La Costa Dental Group

Sedation Dentistry in Encinitas, CA

Sedation Dentistry Options Near Me

For patients in and around Encinitas, we provide sedation dentistry. We recognize that visiting the dentist can be a stressful or scary experience for millions of adults who suffer from dental anxiety. This widespread issue is usually triggered by a bad dental visit or a phobia of dentistry in general. Despite the fact that this condition is common, you do not need to be afraid about visiting our dentist office because we will ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

A significant number of Americans do not visit the dentist for regular checkups because they are too fearful or suffer from dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry offers an excellent way to provide a safe, anxiety-free, dental experience to those who are afraid of the dentist.

Sedation dentistry is often mistakenly thought to induce sleep. In fact, most sedatives allow the patient to stay awake during the procedure. Sleepiness is a side effect of some medications, but nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation and IV sedation only work to calm anxiety throughout the dental visit.

What To Expect From Sedation

If you experience dental anxiety, please let us know when you make your appointment so that we can prepare for your visit. For many people, the surgery itself is not painful; rather, it is the fear and stress that causes concern. With this in mind, doctors frequently prescribe an oral sedative or other sedation options (IV) to help people relax ahead of their appointment. While this is not a pain reliever, it reduces anxiety and relaxes the body, allowing you to remain calm while having your teeth cleaned or dental treatment done.

Sedation dentistry is popular because most sedatives can be taken by mouth, meaning no injections, no anxiety and no pain. Some sedatives work so effectively that even the smells and details of the procedure cannot be recalled afterwards. Safety and compliance are two important aspects of treatments, so sedation dentistry offers both the individual and the dentist the best alternative.

Whatever the form of sedative, it is essential to be accompanied by a caregiver. Sometimes, sedatives are provided the night before the dental visit, which means that driving to or from the appointment is not advisable.

Here are some advantages associated with sedation dentistry:

  • Anxiety is alleviated.
  • Few side effects.
  • More can be accomplished during each visit.
  • No needles.
  • No pain.
  • Perfectly safe.
  • Procedures seem to take less time.

What kinds of sedatives are available?

The most popular types of dental sedatives are nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation. Different levels of sedation (mild, moderate and deep) can be utilized depending on individual needs. Before administering any sedative, the dentist must analyze the full medical history of the patient, as well as taking note of any current medications.

Here is an overview of some of the most common types of dental sedatives:

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” is used as a mild sedative. It is delivered through a nose hood, and is administered throughout the entire procedure. Nitrous oxide elevates the general mood and can evoke a general sense of well-being. Most importantly, it relieves anxiety and reduces pain during the procedure. In addition, some tingling and numbness may be felt. There are few side effects associated with nitrous oxide, and it has been safely used in dentistry for many years.

IV Sedation

Intravenous sedation is a moderate type of sedation. Patients who have previously experienced IV sedation often report feeling like they slept through the entire procedure. Generally, IV sedation is used for shorter treatments. It is administered via direct injection into the bloodstream, which means the effects are immediate. Sometimes patients feel groggy and sleepy when the IV sedatives are withdrawn. This is why it is important to bring a designated driver for the drive home.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is an excellent choice for people who fear needles. Oral medication is provided prior to treatment in order to induce a moderate state of sedation. Though oral sedatives do not cause sleep, they usually dull the senses. This means that most patients cannot remember the pain, smells or noises associated with the procedure. Usually, a dose of medication is taken prior to the appointment, and then topped up during the procedure as required.

What types of drugs are used in oral conscious sedation?

Most of the drugs used in sedation dentistry are classified as benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines reduce anxiety, muscle spasms, insomnia and seizures. Each medication has a different half-life, meaning that the effects last for varying amounts of time. The estimated length of the procedure determines which type of drug is going to be most effective.

Here are some of the most common drugs used in oral conscious sedation:

Valium® – This sedative has amnesic properties and a long half-life. It is usually used for time-consuming, complex procedures.

Halcion® – Usually used to treat insomnia, Halcion is an effective sedative with amnesic properties. A short half-life makes this sedative useful for shorter procedures.

Ativan® – This sedative is best known for reducing anxiety. It has amnesic properties and a medium half-life. Ativan is typically used for treatments shorter than two hours.

Versed® – This sedative has the shortest half-life and is therefore less commonly used. It alleviates anxiety in much the same way as nitrous oxide, and is used for visits that will take less than 30 minutes.

If you have questions or concerns about sedation dentistry, please ask your dentist.

Sedation Dentist in Encinitas, CA – Sedation Dentistry Near Me – Encinitas Sedation Dentistry

Prior to your dental surgery you will have the opportunity to address any concerns you might have during your pre-op appointment. We encourage you to ask questions and make us aware of any fears you might have. Our main goal is to create a secure, comfortable environment for our patients on the day of surgery so the more you communicate with us, the easier we can accommodate your needs. The following guidelines are meant to serve as reminders in helping you prepare for your dental surgery. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our practice.

Leading Up to the Day of Surgery

  • Fasting must begin at midnight the night before surgery for patients with a morning appointment. If you have an afternoon appointment, do not eat anything 8 hours prior to your scheduled dental surgery.
  • While fasting, the patient may only drink clear fluids (Ex: water, apple juice, black coffee, and sports drinks). Beverages that are not allowed to be consumed are alcohol, orange juice, milk, creamer, and other opaque drinks. Patients should avoid drinking all fluids within 6 hours of their surgery. If you are unsure about what can and cannot be consumed, please ask during your pre-op appointment.
  • Patients may continue taking the following medications with a small sip of water prior to surgery:
    – Cardiac medications
    – Pulmonary medications
    – Steroids
    – Anti-seizure medications
    – Anti-Parkinson’s medications
  • Medications that patients are prohibited from taking are MAO inhibitors, anti-depressants, aspirins, anti-coagulants, and anti-inflammatory drugs. We request that patients stop taking these medications at least two days prior to surgery because they can create complications during dental surgery.
  • Patients are not to consume alcoholic beverages or use tobacco products within 24 hours of their appointment and are asked to refrain from drinking or smoking for 24 hours after their surgery.

Day of Surgery

  • If you are a minor, you must have a parent or guardian present for the extent of your surgery. All patients are required to have a licensed driver take them home after their appointment, and we prefer that you are accompanied by someone for at least 12 hours after your surgery.
  • Brush your teeth as usual, but be sure not to swallow any water or toothpaste. Do not wear any make up or nail polish.
  • If you regularly wear contact lenses, please remove them prior to surgery. Jewelry and dentures will also need to be removed before surgery.
  • We prefer that you wear loose, comfortable clothing and flat soled shoes. Shirts that have ¾ sleeve or shorter are ideal.
  • After surgery, you will not be fully aware, therefore cannot return to work or school, and cannot drive or operate other hazardous devices. Also, please make sure that you have assistance when climbing stairs or attempting other difficult tasks.
If you have any change in health the morning of you appointment, please contact the practice immediately. A cold or fever with chest and sinus congestion may dangerously affect surgery so it is imperative that our practice is made aware of the situation. If it is necessary to reschedule your appointment, we will notify you. Contact La Costa Dental Group in Encinitas, CA,

Meet Your Doctors

At La Costa Dental Group your dental health is our number one priority. Our team of dental professionals works diligently to build life-long, beautiful smiles. With our state of the art dental technology, our team strives to provide the best oral healthcare for you and your family.

Patient Reviews

Merrilee Morgan
Merrilee Morgan
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I was introduced to this dental group two years ago and we have been extremely pleased with all aspects of their services from routine cleanings to tooth infections and extractions. Everyone is always friendly and helpful and answers all our questions. Unlike many dentists in the area they do not up-charge so their fees are reasonable. I very highly recommend this dental group!
Christine Hayes
Christine Hayes
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I have been going to La Costa Dental for many years. I've always been happy with the services I have received and the friendly and courteous attention of everyone I've encountered. I've never had an issue or problem. They are a great group of people!
Renee Mizell
Renee Mizell
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My family and I have been patients at the practice for 20+ years. The customer service is top notch, from the front office to the dentists. I always know I am in the best hands, no matter who I schedule a cleaning with. The addition of the orthodontist made the practice complete. It is a forward thinking practice with roots in family values.
Ginger Wilson
Ginger Wilson
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LaCosta Dental Group has been our family dentist for over 35 years. I feel fortunate to have found them when we first moved to North County. We have received nothing but professional and personal service from the entire staff.

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Our Location

501 N El Camino Real STE 200, Encinitas, CA 92024